Too bad I live with people who are apparently anti-pie and so besides myself and Omar were the only ones to taste my first pie making adventure. Oh well, their loss right? It is also unfortunate because since I can't eat a pie in one sitting - or even in 3-4 days, parts of it started to get moldy. I think it was caused by the moisture in the plastic bag that was protecting my pie from the fruit flies that have taken over our kitchen. So alas, I had to get rid of the last 2 pieces last night.
Oh, yeah, because you can't really tell from the picture, it was a peach blackberry pie. It was pretty simple recipe, just the fruit, some sugar and corn starch. Mix the ingredients and pour into already made pie crust. Presto, Change-o, pie!
This is impressive. Nice work!
dude who doesn't like pie. i love pie! i would have eaten all of it.
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